Disinformation Resilience Index: The Baltic States

December, 7 , 2017

ICDS-International Centre for Defence and Security, Tallinn, Estonia

Estonia, Latvia or Lithuania: Who is better equipped to counter disinformation? Research results presentation

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What are the vulnerabilities and capabilities to withstand the Kremlin-initiated and supported disinformation campaigns in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania? Who is better equipped to cover the weak points and counter propaganda? What challenges are common for the Baltic States and what experiences can be shared? 

International Centre for Defence and Security (Estonia)
Foreign Policy Council “Ukrainian Prism” (Ukraine)
EAST Center (Poland)

Supported by:
The Black Sea Trust, A Project of the German Marshall Fund of the United States

A comprehensive overview of the countries’ resilience to disinformation will be presented in Tallinn on December 7th. The study includes the analysis of the national institutional and legal frameworks in the field of information security, an overview of the vulnerable groups to the Kremlin-led disinformation, the quality of systemic responses by the national media and civil society, and an overview of each national media landscape. Furthermore, there will be a presentation of a quantitative index of resilience to disinformation (Disinformation Resilience Index) which allows for the comparison of each countries’ quality of systemic responses, vulnerability to digital warfare and population exposure, and susceptibility to disinformation.
This event will include a presentation of the first part of this research. The Disinformation Resilience Index (DRI) will evaluate three sub regions: the Baltic States, the Eastern Partnership and the Visegrad Four. In all, fourteen countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Georgia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, and Ukraine. This holistic approach will help identify the common and distinctive threats for the whole Central and Eastern Europe as well as suggest the collective and specific measures to counter them. The full publication will be presented in Kyiv (Ukraine), Tbilisi (Georgia), and Bratislava (Slovakia) in spring of 2018.
This event will be of interest for policy-makers, academics, and other individuals of organizations involved in countering disinformation.





