The year 2014 became a watershed for changes in the security discourse in
Ukraine, which resulted both in the adoption of new strategic documents
and practical steps for enhancing national security and defence. The article
presents the evolution of strategic documents in Ukraine since 2010,
underlines the main differences between the National Security Strategies
adopted in 2012 and in 2015, as well as analyses the newly adopted Military
Doctrine of Ukraine, Cyber Security Strategy, Doctrine of the Information
Security of Ukraine, and Strategic Defence Bulletin.
The study demonstrates that, despite some level of opposition towards
the future NATO integration of Ukraine and existing discourse about the
possible neutrality of the country as a way out of the current Russian-
Ukrainian conflict, nevertheless adoption of NATO standards and close
cooperation with the Alliance are among the top political and military
priorities of the state. Other spheres that received the most attention of
Ukrainian experts and politicians were the modernization of the security
forces, first of all military, information and cyber security, and protection
of critical infrastructure. The attitude towards Russia and nuclear status
of Ukraine are those disputable issues, approached both as reasons and as
consequences of the current crisis.
For the first time in Ukraine, the main tasks set out in the new National
Security Strategy clearly correlated with the priorities of the security sector
reforms. Moreover, active cooperation with NATO and individual member
states was aimed on transformation of the Ukrainian Army according to
NATO standards. Tactical and operational changes were accompanied with
the establishment of the Military Cabinet within the NSDC and Main
Situational Centre of Ukraine, Special Operation Forces and new formats
of the Annual National Plan.
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