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This call is proposed by representatives of Ukrainian think tanks that deal with international security, mediation and conflict resolution. The aim of the call is to draw global attention to Ukraine’s Peace Formula as the most comprehensive blueprint which has potential to lead to sustainable, just and stable peace.

About the similarities between the tactics employed by the Russian army and ISIS, the perception of the Russian-Ukrainian war in the Middle East, and how Ukraine should build a dialogue with the countries of the so-called Global South

Blocking agricultural trade with Russia/Belarus could at least partly compensate for any potential or observable losses that Polish or other neighbouring farmers believe are caused by exports from Ukraine.

Today, Ukraine’s integration into the EU and other western institutions is about the new security architecture on the continent.

Ukrainian Central European Forum (UCEF) is a discussion platform bringing together prominent thinkers and pundits from all over the region to spot common challenges and craft common visions for a prosperous Central European future.

One of the key questions facing NATO on the eve of the 2023 Vilnius summit is whether to offer Ukraine security guarantees, while Ukraine insists that it should be given a clear path to membership.

These recommendations were composed by the team of Russian and Belarusian Studies Program of Ukrainian Prism as a result of their research and expert discussion that took place in Kyiv on 24 May 2023.

Commemorating one year of the Big War “Ukrainian Prism” experts suggest 12 lessons that Ukraine and the world should learn from these 12 months.

At this difficult time, we consider it our duty not only to fight on the information front, disseminating reliable and well-founded information and expertise about Russia’s war against Ukraine, but also to help our country and the city avoid a humanitarian crisis.

Într-un interviu pentru, Hanna Shelest, director de programe de securitate la organizația ucraineană Foreign Policy Council “Ukrainian Prism”, care locuiește în Odesa, a explicat care este situația în oraș după ce Putin a început invazia în Ucraina.

Several Ukraininan cities are witnessing Russian missile and artillery fire, with casualties reported. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said 137 people, including civilians were killed in Russian attack so far.