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Russia’s Testing or Bullying?

The most popular question among foreign politicians and journalists is now whether Russia going to openly attack Ukraine, and whether this is preparation for a new war.

Ukraine-Romania – New Regional Challenges: Looking for a Common Solutions for Existing Problems – Accents for Strengthening the Strategic Partnership

A common search for denominators should be supplemented by political dialogue, professional discussions, political and expert consultations. The parties’ key goal is to find compromises and win-win solutions, avoid the language of ultimatums that may bring the parties into the deadlock. 

Ukraine – Romania: Enhancing Trust, Cooperation and Mutual Support

The proposed study will be presented the most important events, processes, and political decisions of the year 2020 that influenced the Romania-Ukraine bilateral dialogue.

Europe’s dilemma

The EU and the Russian-Ukrainian conflict

Ukraine has taken another step to counter Russian propaganda machine

On February 2, 2021, the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky issued a decree enacting the decision of the National Security and Defense Council to impose sanctions for 5 years against three TV channels, namely “112 Ukraine”, “NewsOne” and “ZIK”, as well as against MP Taras Kozak, who is considered to be their owner in the interests of the leader of a pro-Russian political bloc, Viktor Medvedchuk.

Living with insecurity: Ukrainians at times of armed conflict and the pandemic

Ukrainians suffer from quite high levels of human insecurity, especially regarding health, economic, and personal security.

Does Zelenskyy have a strategy for managing the Donbas conflict?

The road to peace in Donbas has not appeared smooth and straightforward, as had been expected by President Zelenskyy and his team. The emphasis on humanitarian issues cannot neglect the security situation on the ground nor the unchanged role of the Kremlin.

In Between vs Belonging, or Why Ukraine Matters

The EU should recognise Ukraine as a European country.

Decentralization, Regional Diversity, and Conflict. The Case of Ukraine

Provides an understanding of regional diversity issues and their manipulation in triggering the Ukraine-Russia conflict Highlights the manifestations of regional divides-related discourses Brings together insights from history, politics and law Editors: Shelest, Hanna, Rabinovych, Maryna (Eds.) Palgrave Macmillan

Ukrainian-Hungarian economic relations: current model and prospects to enhance

The context for Ukrainian-Hungarian cooperation is framed by two contrasting tracks of both countries geopolitical location: European integration and the Russian connection

Hope on Civil Society: To Meet Ukraine’s High Expectations for the Eastern Partnership

The Eastern Partnership has a chance of becoming a self-contained actor if civil society leaders of the region succeed in harnessing the “power of the streets” in order to create effective democratic institutions. What does the future bring in terms of European aspirations for Ukraine and other Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries? This is the question […]

Broadening Ukraine’s foreign policy horizons in the post-coronavirus world

For the past six years, Ukraine’s foreign policy thinking has been dominated by the country’s Euro-Atlantic integration ambitions and the urgent need to consolidate international support in the face of ongoing Russian aggression. Throughout this period, there has been little attempt to implement a more global foreign policy or develop individual regional strategies. Hanna Shelest […]