Olga Chyzhova
Communication Director
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Olga Chyzhova, Communication Director for Foreign Policy Council “Ukrainian Prism”
Holds the diploma of Consolidated Information Analyst in the Field of International Relations of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Has over 10-year experience in media – print, online and TV. Participated in numerous professional exchanges and programs. Is a Vice President of international professional association Digital Communications Network
FIMI as part of Russian war machine: Ukraine’s fightMedia
New EU defence frontier: prospects for Ukraine 100 days of war: 13 000 000 UAH raised for humanitarian needs of Chernihiv Three powerful energy generators in Chernihiv Media tour to Ukraine for Romanian journalists: Discover RO – Discover UA (Українська) Міжнародні конфлікти на території країн Східного партнерства: яка роль ЄС?Recent Publications

A key aspect of Ukraine’s situation is the need to combat hostile narratives and misinformation while maximizing the effectiveness of strategic communication tools.

(Українська) Систематизуємо зміни в поточних політиках ЄС, зокрема спільній політиці безпеки та оборони, а також дослідимо нові можливості для України

At this difficult time, we consider it our duty not only to fight on the information front, disseminating reliable and well-founded information and expertise about Russia’s war against Ukraine, but also to help our country and the city avoid a humanitarian crisis.