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Press tour: Ukraine between awakening, war and pandemic

Call for applications for a dialogue and information program for journalists

CALL FOR APPLICATIONS Eastern European School of Foreign Policy Researchers

The school aims to create a communication platform for Belarusian, Moldovan and Ukrainian researchers, raising their awareness of international processes in the Eastern European region and providing basic skills in developing and implementing analytical documents.

Media tour to Ukraine for Romanian journalists: Discover RO – Discover UA

Romanian journalists are invited to take part in a study visit to Ukraine in the summer of 2021!

Foreign policy in the new Rada: Analysis of the parties’ election promises

How the parties running for Parliament see Ukraine’s foreign policy

What Does Volodymyr Zelenskyi’s Victory Say About Ukraine?

Zelenskyi’s landslide victory is a vote for change. It also exposes Ukraine’s vulnerability and the deficiency of reforms. Zelenskyi’s voters united against the old system rather than around a common agenda about how to bring about change.

Security Policy Is Not Up for Debate as Ukraine Elects a New President

Despite the smouldering conflict in Donbas and the tensions around Russia’s occupation of Crimea, security policy has so far failed to attract voters’ attention in the campaign.

Call for participation “Ukrainian-Polish Dialogue: Through Common Values to Common Development”

Polish journalists (from state and independent media) are invited to participate in the 5-day visit to Ukraine in October 2018.

Eastern Partnership of “different speeds”

Issue 11 of EaP Think Bridge Digest is out focusing of EaP Brussels Summit aftermath

Who needs an army?

Issue 10 of the Eastern Partnership Think Bridge Digest is focusing on transformations in security sector

Common European identity

European identity has been chiefly related to the European integration process

«The Northern ones» vs. «the Western ones» – drills or geopolitical stand?

New issue of EaP Think Bridge is out!

A game for three or every country for itself?

While the countries of the Eastern Partnership are not ready to act as a united region politically, there does not seem to be too many obstacles for launching a pragmatic economic cooperation or even a common economic space