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Reaction of the neighbouring countries to the Russian attack

(Українська) Позачергові дайджести #щотамусусідів. Реакції найближчих до України країн на напад Росії.

Indigenous Peoples and National Minorities in the Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine

On February 24, 2022, Russia launched an offensive against Ukraine simultaneously in the north, east and south of the country. Thus, Russian troops expanded their temporary occupation of Ukrainian territories, which began in 2014. Millions of Ukrainian citizens, including indigenous peoples and national minorities, found themselves in the temporarily occupied territories. In the following blog […]

Russian War Crimes Against Ukraine

Russian War Crimes in Ukraine Digest


Joint vision of the representatives of various Ukrainian think tanks, universities, and journalists dealing with NATO and international security issues

Three powerful energy generators in Chernihiv

Energy for unbreakable Chernihiv

Mărturie la cald din Odesa, oraș cu istoric în conflicte dintre localnici și proruși: „Am fost trezită de dimineață, dar nu de explozii, ci de zgomotele de rachete de la apărarea antiaeriană”

​Într-un interviu pentru, Hanna Shelest, director de programe de securitate la organizația ucraineană Foreign Policy Council “Ukrainian Prism”, care locuiește în Odesa, a explicat care este situația în oraș după ce Putin a început invazia în Ucraina.

Russia Steps Up Its Attack Against Ukraine On Day 2 Of Invasion

Several Ukraininan cities are witnessing Russian missile and artillery fire, with casualties reported. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said 137 people, including civilians were killed in Russian attack so far.

We are here to provide accurate information on Russian war against Ukraine!

As an independent think tank, we can’t stay aside during these hardships for Ukraine, and we offer our readiness to provide verified information about the latest developments in Ukrainian resistance to Russian aggression.

“Moscow is preparing ground for further escalation”

Khylko: we need UN mission on the contact line, we can deprive Russia of its veto in this case

Odessa on the brink

Odessa was a cradle of the Greek War of Independence. The old building of the Filiki Etairia is still open to visitors in the downtown area of the city, currently serving as the home of the Hellenic Foundation. Two-hundred-and-one years ago, it witnessed long conversations on national identity, dignity, and freedom – similar themes to the ones that are at the forefront today: the freedom to choose partners and alliances, the dignity of self-determination, the call to defend national identity in the face of foreign aggression.

The future of the Crimea Platform

The Crimea Platform launched by Kyiv last year attracted great media attention across the globe. Despite this, practical steps must be taken to keep the issue of Crimea’s sovereignty on the international agenda.

From Soft Security to Hard Security in the Black Sea Region – Does the osce Fit?

How has security perception changed in the Black Sea region for the last three decades? Whether the osce is a security actor in the Black Sea region? Can resilience-building be a smart security response to the current challenges?