The Project was aimed at studying the relations within the Ukraine-Moldova-Romania triangle with the consideration of current political developments in the three countries. The team of authors from Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova and Romania focused attention on the political trends in Romania and applicability of the existing trends for the neighboring Ukraine and Moldova, tried to explain the political realm in Ukraine after the Revolution of Dignity and to neutralize negative myths Russian propaganda is utilizing for intimidating Moldovan population with the perspective of so called “Ukrainian scenario”, analyzed the risks emerging from Russian meddling into the political process in the Republic of Moldova on the eve of the parliamentary elections in Moldova.
The authors also elaborated the possible scenarios for the Republic of Moldova after the elections, considered possible options of governmental coalition configuration and suggested their recommendations related to the possibilities of improvement of relations within Ukraine-Moldova-Romania triangle. The possibilities for enhanced cooperation under Eastern Partnership umbrella and within the Process of implementation of the Association Agreements with the EU were highlighted.
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