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How the European Union and the European Parliament (EP) contribute to the promotion and protection of human rights in Ukraine?

The defence sector was a low priority in the political competition as it provided little political, economic and reputational incentives

The article analyses the Greek-Turkish conflict as an example of a protracted international conflict, which proved to be resilient to the years of resolution attempts.

(Українська) Четвертый номер EaP Thinkk Bridge Digest с обзором основных событий Марта в странах Восточного партнерства и анализом противоречий в отношениях Беларуси и России

Strengthening cooperation between Ukraine and Romania is a key issue of the European Neighborhood and Partnership Policy, as well as of the international cooperation in the Black Sea Region and the Wider Eastern European region.

In the sphere of defence and security, propaganda can aim strategic communication, but more often, it aims to bring fear, and in this meaning, it can be considered as a part of the so-called hybrid warfare.

(Українська) Странам Восточной Европы следует сотрудничать на двусторонней и многосторонней основе, в рамках и за пределами партнерства НАТО, для усиления их устойчивости

Both countries would definitely benefit more if they applied liberal and constructivist patterns rather than rational egoism

Impressive intensity of bilateral contacts in recent months: Slovak observers called Ukraine the most frequent destinations of Slovakian officials.