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Oleksiy Honcharuk’s Government Program: Analysis Of The Foreign Policy Aspect

The overall impression is that the Government’s Program allocates an unclear and sporadic role to foreign policy

Ukraine’s European Integration: Post-election Prospects

Foreign Policy Council “Ukrainian Prism” analyzed foreign policy programs and plans of President Zelenskyy and political parties present in the new Parliament.

Spotlight on Ukraine Elections: Post-election Vox Pops

Ukrainians came up with the road map for president’s first days in the office

Convergence of the business climate in the EaP countries with the business climate in the EU

This article attempts to assess how close the business climate in Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries is to the business climate in EU countries.

Elections 2018 in Moldova: New Challenges and New Opportunities for Cooperation within Ukraine-Moldova-Romania Triangle

The Project was aimed at studying the relations within the Ukraine-Moldova-Romania triangle with the consideration of current political developments in the three countries


The Naval Forces of Ukraine were the first one who faced hybrid aggression manifestation in Crimea in 2014.


These recommendations are a result of a project “Development of SME strategies and its impact on regional SMEs”

Systemic Response to Kremlin-Led Disinformation in the EaP countries Discussed at the Disinformation Resilience Index Launch Event

On 16 July 2018, the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum held the launch event of the Disinformation Resilience Index in Brussels. The event was hosted by the Permanent Representation of the Republic of Latvia to the European Union and saw the presentation of the results of the Disinformation Resilience Index and the report for the Eastern Partnership Region. Speakers […]

V4+Ukraine security cooperation: limits of possible

Despite the differences in the positions on foreign policy priorities among the countries of the Visegrad Group the experience of the last three
years clearly shows solidarity in the issue of assistance to Ukraine

Human rights in Ukraine and the EU response, including relevant activities of the European Parliament

How the European Union and the European Parliament (EP) contribute to the promotion and protection of human rights in Ukraine?

Evolution in Moldova security sector. Prospects for the future

The defence sector was a low priority in the political competition as it provided little political, economic and reputational incentives

Lessons of the Greece-Turkey conflict for Ukraine-Russia case

The article analyses the Greek-Turkish conflict as an example of a protracted international conflict, which proved to be resilient to the years of resolution attempts.