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Ukraine – Romanian Perspectives of Maritime Cooperation

With the Russian blockade of the Black Sea and rapprochement in Ukraine-Romania and Ukraine-EU/NATO relations, there is a new window of opportunity to boost such cooperation, including long-term perspectives.

Policy Brief: The reaction of the Black Sea countries on Russia’s full-scale war against Ukraine: analysis of the objections

The states of the Black Sea basin are in a particular position in the context of Russian aggression. For geographical reasons and history, Russia seeks to maintain the region’s political and economic leadership.

The Prospects of Cooperation between Ukraine and Romania within 3 Seas Initiative

The expectations of the founding countries are not vain due to the high potential of the region which by area represents almost a third of the European Union and is home to 111 million people.

100 days of war: 13 000 000 UAH raised for humanitarian needs of Chernihiv

At this difficult time, we consider it our duty not only to fight on the information front, disseminating reliable and well-founded information and expertise about Russia’s war against Ukraine, but also to help our country and the city avoid a humanitarian crisis.

Russian occupiers are using methods that violate the rules of war

A weekly video digest of russian war crimes in Ukraine

Допоможіть нам врятувати мужнє місто Чернігів

Тепер кожен українець розуміє вислів, що друг у нужді – це дійсно друг. Ось як ви дійсно можете допомогти

Reaction of the neighbouring countries to the Russian attack

(Українська) Позачергові дайджести #щотамусусідів. Реакції найближчих до України країн на напад Росії.

Indigenous Peoples and National Minorities in the Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine

On February 24, 2022, Russia launched an offensive against Ukraine simultaneously in the north, east and south of the country. Thus, Russian troops expanded their temporary occupation of Ukrainian territories, which began in 2014. Millions of Ukrainian citizens, including indigenous peoples and national minorities, found themselves in the temporarily occupied territories. In the following blog […]

Russian War Crimes Against Ukraine

Russian War Crimes in Ukraine Digest


Joint vision of the representatives of various Ukrainian think tanks, universities, and journalists dealing with NATO and international security issues

Three powerful energy generators in Chernihiv

Energy for unbreakable Chernihiv

Mărturie la cald din Odesa, oraș cu istoric în conflicte dintre localnici și proruși: „Am fost trezită de dimineață, dar nu de explozii, ci de zgomotele de rachete de la apărarea antiaeriană”

​Într-un interviu pentru, Hanna Shelest, director de programe de securitate la organizația ucraineană Foreign Policy Council “Ukrainian Prism”, care locuiește în Odesa, a explicat care este situația în oraș după ce Putin a început invazia în Ucraina.