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Чи достатні та адекватні кроки ЄС у сфері оборони, щоби зупинити агресора та забезпечити перемогу і спокій на континенті?
For the past years Georgia has been in a downward spiral vis-a-vis its European integration goals largely due to its deteriorating state of democracy, undermined rule of law and government’s reckless bashing of dissent.
Relations of the European Union with Azerbaijan are based on the principles of equality. Notwithstanding bilateral relations with the EU taking precedence over the course of history, the EaP Multilateral Platform expanded the scope of relations enabling Azerbaijan to exchange views on issues of mutual interests and launch various initiatives.
Among those who believe that Armenia is heading to a right direction 82% characterized EU-Armenia relations positively, while among those who believe that Armenia is heading to a wrong direction the percentage is much lower – 58%.
Nowadays, an analysis of what has been achieved within the framework of the Eastern Partnership, as well as its new conceptual setting, is desperately needed.
The rapid changes necessitated by the Russian aggression made the member states re-evaluate many of the provisions, and renegotiate the new Strategic Concept 2022 within an extremely short period.
The policy paper is an outcome of collaborative research project about the Black Sea Security among scholars from Ukraine, Azerbaijan, and Georgia.
The research is part of the research project “Strengthening analytical decision-making capabilities in the field of foreign policy with the help of civil society” is being implemented with the support of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation Representation in Ukraine in 2022
Russia’s attack, in addition to human casualties and economic losses, also produces huge infrastructure destruction in Ukraine. Enterprises, critical facilities and some cities have been completely destroyed. This creates not only a situational shock for the population and the economy but also complicates the post-war recovery of Ukraine.
This commentary by Hanna Shelest looks at the future of Europe’s security architecture after the Russia-Ukraine war.
With the Russian blockade of the Black Sea and rapprochement in Ukraine-Romania and Ukraine-EU/NATO relations, there is a new window of opportunity to boost such cooperation, including long-term perspectives.
The states of the Black Sea basin are in a particular position in the context of Russian aggression. For geographical reasons and history, Russia seeks to maintain the region’s political and economic leadership.