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The selection of participants of the First Eastern European school for foreign policy researchers is completed

The list of participants

The Last Frontier and Navy (In)Security

There is an absence of a real interest in Alaska’s military development

Russian aggression against Ukraine was a gamechanger for NATO

Petr Lunak from Public Diplomacy Department, NATO HQ

‎Eastern Partnership‬ is not a great success but rather a moderate failure

“The Eastern Partnership and civil security issues of the member states: past realities and present trends” conference in Bucharest, Romania

‪#‎Brexit‬ will take Ukraine off the EU agenda

As the British vote for leaving the EU the Slovaks prepare to start their presidency in EU Council and have to reshape the agenda.

NATO and the Future of Ukraine

#FututeNATO – the project of the Atlantic Council before the Warsaw Nato Summit

There’s no systematic approach to foreign policy in the government’s program

Presentation of the annual research Ukrainian prism: Foreign Policy 2015 in Odessa

Security sector reforms in Ukraine

A long track marked with some progress and shortcomings

The first Eastern European Summer School for foreign policy researchers

August, 1-5 2016, Odesa, Ukraine

Chartwell Lecture: Hanna Shelest on ‘The Ukraine Crisis’

Dr. Hanna Shelest speaks on the current situation in Ukraine at The University of Alaska Anchorage

The results of the selection to the Summer University

Congratulatuons to the Ukrainian group of the University


Is electoral security possible on the uncontrolled territories of Ukraine?