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Nowadays, an analysis of what has been achieved within the framework of the Eastern Partnership, as well as its new conceptual setting, is desperately needed.

At this difficult time, we consider it our duty not only to fight on the information front, disseminating reliable and well-founded information and expertise about Russia’s war against Ukraine, but also to help our country and the city avoid a humanitarian crisis.

The Crimea Platform launched by Kyiv last year attracted great media attention across the globe. Despite this, practical steps must be taken to keep the issue of Crimea’s sovereignty on the international agenda.

Maksym Khylko: the West cannot ignore Moscow’s co-responsibility for hybrid attacks on Lithuania and Poland

The school aims to create a communication platform for Belarusian, Moldovan and Ukrainian researchers, raising their awareness of international processes in the Eastern European region and providing basic skills in developing and implementing analytical documents.

Over the next ten years, in the absence of major political setbacks or security related turbulence, most of the countries of the Eastern Partnership will have a fairly good chance of success in their political association and economic integration with the EU.

With the world economy keeping its demand for oil and gas high and lacklustre efforts to stimulate ‘green’ alternatives, Russia manages to advance some of its military and economic modernisation despite the continuation of the West’s sanctions regime.

Recognising a rare window of opportunity, EU leaders embrace a revised approach to Russia in order to ease economic and political tensions and establish the ground for a new European security architecture.

The emancipatory power of civil society to define, defend and demand changes in society becomes a key future of the Eastern Partnership region.

For the Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries, stability requires a restoration of public trust, renewed civic engagement and returns from socio-economic reforms. This necessitates the strengthening of democratic institutions and countering corruption, based on linkage between democratisation and economic development.

In pursuit of peace in the war-torn region, the Ukrainian president’s short-term, tactical approach is vulnerable in the face of Russia’s long-term strategy. One of the key messages at the heart of Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s presidential campaign in 2019 was a very simple one: peace in Donbas, the war-torn region of Ukraine where Russian-supported separatists […]