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In recent years, the relations between Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova were quite often overshadowed by the elections in the countries. The respective rotations of the elites and personnel in the ministries in many cases were preventing efficient bilateral dialogue. The same is true for 2020, when the prospects of the bilateral dialogue are […]

Foreign policy did not become a top priority during either the presidential or the parliamentary election in Ukraine in 2019. With the focus on European and Euroatlantic integration debate, all other burning issues, such as relations with neighbours, building up international support against Russian aggression, relations with diaspora, and promotion of the Ukrainian image abroad, […]

While having benefited from both conventional and new media during the election campaign, the new team in power had a rough start with some segments of the media and NGO community once elected. The part of the new government that is responsible for media-related policies is comprised of media professionals with extensive background in the […]

The new government’s programme includes ambitious but realistic goals and fills in the gaps of the presidential and parliamentary election campaigns. The Servant of the People Party in the parliament demonstrates tentative signs of absence of firmness, after a couple of months of having supported all initiatives without reservations. For achieving fast and tangible results […]

While too vague during the electoral campaigns period, the European integration track became more clear and nuanced with the new government coming into office in September 2019. The programme of Oleksiy Honcharuk’s government has a special chapter devoted to the issues of rapprochement with the EU and NATO. In some parts, it echoes the initiatives […]

New generation politics is getting trendy in Ukraine. The chances of Ukraine to become successful and to ensure irreversibility of democratic development of the country are assessed through the lens of the capabilities and political will of the new Ukrainian leadership. At the same time, there is ground for concerns caused by lack of cohesion […]

The overall impression is that the Government’s Program allocates an unclear and sporadic role to foreign policy

Foreign Policy Council “Ukrainian Prism” analyzed foreign policy programs and plans of President Zelenskyy and political parties present in the new Parliament.

Zelenskyi’s landslide victory is a vote for change. It also exposes Ukraine’s vulnerability and the deficiency of reforms. Zelenskyi’s voters united against the old system rather than around a common agenda about how to bring about change.