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Entangled Triangle: What Will Happen with the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement?

The government has been obliged to submit its proposal on the ratification of the AA to the parliament by 1 November

Who is he: a new Secretary General of the UN?

De facto there is no doubt that Gutteres will be the ninth UN Secretary General.

Ukraine needs greater EU involvement in solving Russia conflict, Ukraine experts say

Questions of Ukraine-EU security cooperation were discussed on 29 September at Prism Security Debates in Kyiv.

Bratislava EU Summit: Quo Vadis?

Effectiveness of European integration in reforming the country and European Commission’s “carrots and sticks” approach in relation to the Ukrainian government is directly linked to the internal and external reputation of the EU

With/out the EU’s perspective: Europeanisation narratives in Ukraine

The European-ness perception and feelings are still nascent among Ukrainians

The alternative to the European integration is transformation of Ukraine and of the Republic of Moldova into a „geopolitical morass” between Russia and the EU

It is unquestionably that Chisinau can count on support from Kiev and Kiev, in its turn, relies on such support from Chisinau.

Ukraine-Moldova: complicated but promissing relations

Both countries would definitely benefit more if they applied liberal and constructivist patterns rather than rational egoism

Democracy in Retreat in Turkey

It is a test of being democratic without sacrificing one’s security, and being secure not at the expense of one’s democracy

Foreign Policy in US presidential elections is tied to whatever fits on bumper sticker

What to expect form both candidates in foreign policy?

II International summer school “Economic aspects of climate change”

(Українська) Партнери “Української призми” оголошують набір на навчання

Honeymoon of Ukrainian-Slovak relations

Impressive intensity of bilateral contacts in recent months: Slovak observers called Ukraine the most frequent destinations of Slovakian officials.

Ukraine’s Security Options after the NATO Warsaw Summit

The four strategic options now available to Ukraine