We the participants of the first Czech-Ukrainian Forum, having assembled in the city of Prague on February 4th 2020,
- Drawing on the need to continue and further develop fruitful relations between Czech Republic and Ukraine,
- Welcoming the memorandum between the MFA of Czech Republic and MFA of Ukraine regarding the foundation of Czech-Ukrainian Forum,
- Being guided by the increasing capacity of civil society representatives in both states to participate in the decision-making process in the field of international relations,
- Acknowledging the progress of Ukraine in implementing reforms that bring it ever closer to the EU and NATO membership,
- Being aware of experience the Czech Republic gained during the process of preparation for the EU and NATO membership and how valuable this transformation experience is for contemporary Ukraine,
- Understanding that the successful socio-economic transformation of Ukraine will play the key role in the region, which could set a model path for other post-Societ states, thus contributing to the strengthening of democracy, rule of law and security not only in that region, but on the whole European continent,
- Recognizing the persistent danger brought by Russian aggression against Ukraine, in particular the threat posed by the Russian malign activities including propaganda and disinformation
- Noting the utmost importance a free and sovereign Ukraine has for the stability and security of Europe
Have hereby agreed on:
- Recognizing the need to continue the Czech-Ukrainian Forum efforts on a regular basis. Holding the next Forum in the city of Kyiv in 2021. Referring to the MFA of Czech Republic and Ukraine to include the initiative in the 2021 budget of the relevant governmental agencies.
- Underlining the importance of supporting the work of this annual Forum with regular activities of Czech and Ukrainian participating organizations.
- Actively informing mass media in both countries about the work and activities of the Forum and to use all available forms of public diplomacy for further increasing the visibility of this Forum.
- Supporting the joint initiatives between non-governmental organizations in Czech Republic and Ukraine to counter the spread of Russian disinformation and efforts to discredit both states in the information ecosystem.
- Referring to the government of Czech Republic regarding the recognition of relations with the states-signatories of the Association Agreement as a priority during the Presidency of Czech Republic in the EU Council in the first half-year period of 2021
- Suggesting, after taking into consideration the presidency in Visegrad Group, to the government of Czech Republic to renew and add practical value to the V4 + Ukraine format, which would also be aimed at adopting the positive experience of V4 states in the area of reforms.
- Joining efforts during the V4 and EaP (4+6) session to form a position regarding the need to strengthen support for Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova via additional programs, which would take into account the level of Association Agreement implementation
- Suggesting both Czech and Ukrainian governments to establish financial mechanisms aimed at supporting CZ-UA civic initiatives, which could contribute to the objectives of the CZ-UA Forum, forming the common Czech-Ukrainian network of civic activists, implementing information campaigns to increase awareness on European integration, bilateral relations etc.,
- Supporting on the governmental and expert level the desire of Ukraine to further liberalize trade, deepen economic integration of Ukraine into the EU single market via decreasing current tariff and non-tariff barriers in trade between Ukraine and the EU (including facilitation of tariff commitments and enlargement of tariff rate quotas, recognizing the equality of SPS measures, launching negotiations regarding the ACAA Agreement, sectoral integration, simplification and integration of customs procedures etc.), which will allow for raising the effectiveness of DCFTA and achieve the Association Agreement potential.
- Strengthening governmental cooperation regarding the establishment and decrease in current steps and barriers to limit trade and investment on the bilateral Czech-Ukrainian level
- Assessing the experience of the Czech Republic and other V4 states in integration to the European and global added value networks and strengthening bilateral cooperation in regard to including Ukraine to such networks.
- Strengthening cooperation in the field of human rights protection, in particular on the Ombudsman office level, and facilitating the experience exchange between human rights protection groups in the Czech Republic and Ukraine
- Launching a specialized international platform bringing together the expert community and involving NGOs, think-tanks and affiliated structures in various areas affected by foreign malign influence, to counter hybrid threats, share the expertise from different states and different fields and raise the resilience of European societies.
- Strengthening cooperation in the field of historical research and understanding the importance of digitalization and research of the newly opened Soviet security archival records in Ukraine.
- Calling on the Czech-Ukrainian Intergovernmental Committee for Economic, Industrial and Scientific Cooperation and the European Business Association of Ukraine to facilitate and strengthen the bilateral ties, especially in the area of further economic integration of Ukraine within the EU.
- Suggesting the Czech government to consider the idea of organizing in Prague the next annual “Ukraine Reform Conference”.