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The paper researches the vulnerabilities of the mentioned states to Russian hybrid and non-linear aggression. Additionally, the project focuses on analysing the strategies and tactics that Ukraine has effectively deployed in countering similar threats and evaluating how these countermeasures can serve as adaptable models for bolstering defense of Ukraine’s neighbouring states.
6he present paper aims to show how Ukraine’s relationship with the EU generally evolved and how Ukraine has strengthened its efforts towards European integration since the onset of the full-scale war.
The development of pragmatic and purposeful steps of interaction with Belarusian democratic forces should become part of a broader strategy of Ukraine towards Belarus, which would allow effective response to both urgent and long-term challenges from the Lukashenko’s regime.
It is already quite clear that the 2025 presidential elections will end with the victory of Aliaksandr Lukashenka, for whom the next presidential term will be the seventh of his political career.
La reactivación de las relaciones entre Ucrania y Argentina abre nuevas oportunidades para ambos países, dado el potencial de Argentina como líder regional en América Latina y sus históricos vínculos con Ucrania.
(Українська) АСЕАН, що об’єднує десять країн з населенням понад 650 мільйонів людей та сукупним ВВП більше 3 трильйонів доларів США, є важливим економічним блоком у регіоні. Проте торговельно-економічні відносини між Україною та АСЕАН залишаються недостатньо розвиненими, попри наявний потенціал.
Relations between Kyiv and Ottawa have been developing steadily since Ukraine’s independence and received a new impetus after it faced Russian aggression in 2014 and 2022.
The relations between Ukraine and Brazil, spanning over three decades, have been dynamic and as emotionally intense as one would expect from such a socio-cultural phenomenon as a Brazilian soap opera.
The intention of this policy brief is to offer the European institutions and national governments of the EU member states some lessons on the resilience of the Ukrainian state and society, which proved to be the reason why Ukraine survived even when its larger Western partners did not believe in it in February 2022.
A key aspect of Ukraine’s situation is the need to combat hostile narratives and misinformation while maximizing the effectiveness of strategic communication tools.
This paper explores the dynamic and evolving relationship between Japan and Ukraine, a partnership that has gained strategic significance amidst a rapidly deteriorating global environment marked by Russia’s continued military aggression against Ukraine.
Ukraine has always paid considerable attention to the development of relations with the Middle East, with the establishment of comprehensive cooperation with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia playing a central role.