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Foreign Policy Council “Ukrainian Prism” analyzed foreign policy programs and plans of President Zelenskyy and political parties present in the new Parliament.

Zelenskyi’s landslide victory is a vote for change. It also exposes Ukraine’s vulnerability and the deficiency of reforms. Zelenskyi’s voters united against the old system rather than around a common agenda about how to bring about change.

Despite the smouldering conflict in Donbas and the tensions around Russia’s occupation of Crimea, security policy has so far failed to attract voters’ attention in the campaign.

Presidential canditates make promises that can be implemented only if they have majority in parliament

On 20 March 2019 the conference “Ukraine and Georgia: way to de-occupation of its territories”, the second in a row of events in the framework of the international platform “Friends of de-occupation of Crimea” initiated by President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, took place in Budapest. The event was co-organized by the Embassies of Ukraine and […]