Oleksiy Krysenko
Board Member
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Ph.D, Associate Professor of Political Science Department of V.Karazin Kharkiv National University, Head of Audit Commission of Political Scientists’ Association of “Slobozhanshina”.
Education 1996-2001 V. Karazin Kharkiv National University, (speciality Political Science). Post graduate education 2001-2004 (Ph.D in Social Philosophy).
Dissertation: “The Phenomenon of Globalization: a Conceptual Dimensions, Institutional Structure and Geohistoric Dynamics”, specialty 09.00.03 – Social Philosophy and Philosophy of History
Has experience in political and electoral studies, educational and training courses in Political Science. Hasparticipated in international cooperation and international technical assistance projects.
Field of interest:
- political anthropology,
- geopolitics and world policy,
- border studies,
- political and world-system analysis,
- European integration,
- post-soviet politics.
EVOLUTION OF RUSSIAN STRATEGIES AND THEIR APPLICATION – A GAME CHANGER OF THE SECURITY ENVIRONMENT Past the sanctions. How Ukraine sells weaponry to Russia Multilateral security garantees: Ukrainian Context On the geopolitical itching and diplomatic play of the Kremlin Why is it dangerous to visit agressive neighbour?Recent Publications

Russian military aggression against Ukraine in 2014 took place in the situation of autocratic decision-making, to be more precise, this military and political decision was made by one person, the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin. All procedures and documents legitimizing this decision were adopted post factum in retrospect. Those Russian strategic documents that were in […]

(Українська) Вслед за новостями о презентации новых модификаций украинского вооружения на выставке IDEX-2017 в ОАЭ Укроборонпрому пришлось объяснять, как вышло, что Россия оказалась главным покупателем украинской военной продукции.