Pavlo Rad

Junior Fellow of Russian and Belarusian Studies Program 

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Junior Fellow of Russian and Belarusian Studies Program 

Studies international law at the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. Former scholarship holder of the Digital Interdisciplinary Mini-Academy IUSTUF (DIMA), a project under the auspices of the DAAD’s program “Ukraine Digital: Ensuring Academic Success in Times of Crisis”, organized at the Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg. Student activist. Participant in over 10 scientific conferences and author of 10 scientific papers. Former intern at the Foreign Policy Council “Ukrainian Prism”.

Research interests:

  • ● Political processes in the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation;
  • ● Activities of the Belarusian opposition, particularly the United Transitional Cabinet;
  • ● International criminal law and the law of international organizations.

Recent Publications

The Ukrainian view of relations among the Belarusian democratic forces and their perspective

The development of pragmatic and purposeful steps of interaction with Belarusian democratic forces should become part of a broader strategy of Ukraine towards Belarus, which would allow effective response to both urgent and long-term challenges from the Lukashenko’s regime.

The 2025 Presidential Elections in Belarus

It is already quite clear that the 2025 presidential elections will end with the victory of Aliaksandr Lukashenka, for whom the next presidential term will be the seventh of his political career.

(Українська) Виклики для майбутнього білоруських політичних акторів у перспективі післявоєнного періоду через призму українських інтересів

(Українська) Станом на третій рік російського повномасштабного вторгнення в Україну, сформований у другій половині 2022 року статус-кво стосовно білоруського питання загалом залишається незмінним.