The paper researches the vulnerabilities of the mentioned states to Russian hybrid and non-linear aggression. Additionally, the project focuses on analysing the strategies and tactics that Ukraine has effectively deployed in countering similar threats and evaluating how these countermeasures can serve as adaptable models for bolstering defense of Ukraine’s neighbouring states.
Ukraine’s Actorness in Relation to the EU in Times of War: Expert Perceptions and Insights
6he present paper aims to show how Ukraine’s relationship with the EU generally evolved and how Ukraine has strengthened its efforts towards European integration since the onset of the full-scale war.
The Ukrainian view of relations among the Belarusian democratic forces and their perspective
The development of pragmatic and purposeful steps of interaction with Belarusian democratic forces should become part of a broader strategy of Ukraine towards Belarus, which would allow effective response to both urgent and long-term challenges from the Lukashenko’s regime.
UPDATED in November 2024: EU-Latin America Relations: Analyzing Cooperation from a Ukrainian Perspective
This policy paper presents a comprehensive analysis of the key areas of cooperation and the activation of collaboration between the European Union (EU), Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), and Ukraine, particularly focusing on the period following February 24, 2022.
The 2025 Presidential Elections in Belarus
It is already quite clear that the 2025 presidential elections will end with the victory of Aliaksandr Lukashenka, for whom the next presidential term will be the seventh of his political career.
Donald Trump's statements about preparing mass deportations of illegal immigrants from the United States since the beginning of his term have been in the spotlight of Central American countries and Mexico.
La reactivación de las relaciones entre Ucrania y Argentina abre nuevas oportunidades para ambos países, dado el potencial de Argentina como líder regional en América Latina y sus históricos vínculos con Ucrania.
(Українська) АСЕАН, що об'єднує десять країн з населенням понад 650 мільйонів людей та сукупним ВВП більше 3 трильйонів доларів США, є важливим економічним блоком у регіоні. Проте торговельно-економічні відносини між Україною та АСЕАН залишаються недостатньо розвиненими, попри наявний потенціал.
Relations between Kyiv and Ottawa have been developing steadily since Ukraine's independence and received a new impetus after it faced Russian aggression in 2014 and 2022.
The relations between Ukraine and Brazil, spanning over three decades, have been dynamic and as emotionally intense as one would expect from such a socio-cultural phenomenon as a Brazilian soap opera.
EU Preparedness for external challenges: lessons learned from 1000 days of Ukraine’s resilience
The intention of this policy brief is to offer the European institutions and national governments of the EU member states some lessons on the resilience of the Ukrainian state and society, which proved to be the reason why Ukraine survived even when its larger Western partners did not believe in it in February 2022.
FIMI as part of Russian war machine: Ukraine’s fight
A key aspect of Ukraine's situation is the need to combat hostile narratives and misinformation while maximizing the effectiveness of strategic communication tools.
This paper explores the dynamic and evolving relationship between Japan and Ukraine, a partnership that has gained strategic significance amidst a rapidly deteriorating global environment marked by Russia’s continued military aggression against Ukraine.
Russian Unmanned Systems: Current State, Prospects of Production and Application
(Українська) Теперішні тенденції свідчать про те, що дрони надалі залишатимуться важливою складовою ведення бойових дій, а необхідність пошуку нових рішень, зокрема і в секторі їхній протидії, сприятиме подальшому розвитку безпілотних комплексів - і не лише повітряних.
Ukraine has always paid considerable attention to the development of relations with the Middle East, with the establishment of comprehensive cooperation with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia playing a central role.
Call from the expert community for broad and high-level participation in the inaugural Peace Summit
This call is proposed by representatives of Ukrainian think tanks that deal with international security, mediation and conflict resolution. The aim of the call is to draw global attention to Ukraine's Peace Formula as the most comprehensive blueprint which has potential to lead to sustainable, just and stable peace.
Ukraine’s Peace Formula: global dimension and shared principles
In this publication, we aim to succinctly illustrate the global scope of Ukraine’s Peace Formula and outline the organizational framework and ongoing proposals for addressing the 10 thematic points of this initiative.
Ukraine-Australia: Closer than Ever
This report highlights the importance of the bilateral relations between Ukraine and Australia in the changing global context and enhancing security threats globally in light of the full-scale Russian aggression against Ukraine. The bilateral relations evolved over several periods.
Russian Federation suffered significant losses which caused the need to replenish them.
EU-Latin America Relations: Analyzing Cooperation from a Ukrainian Perspective
This policy paper presents a comprehensive analysis of key areas of cooperation and the activation of collaboration within the European Union (EU), Latin America (LA), and Ukraine, particularly focusing on the period following February 24, 2022.
Scenarios and trends 2024: International relations
The analysis of trends and scenarios in the development of the international political situation in 2024
Ukraine’s integration with the west is about a new security architecture in Europe
Today, Ukraine’s integration into the EU and other western institutions is about the new security architecture on the continent.
Ukraine-India: End of the Free Fall of Soviet Legacy?
India has been Ukraine's biggest partner in South Asia for thirty years. However, proactive relations between India and Ukraine date back to the time of the Soviet Union. Russia's 2022 full-scale invasion of Ukraine has had a substantial impact on traditional areas of Ukraine-India cooperation, including the economy, education, and military industry.
The Security Risks from the Republic of Belarus: Ways of Minimization
After the beginning of the large-scale aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, the strategic importance of Belarus, which remains the only Russian formal ally in Europe, has significantly increased. Due to this, there is a need to increase attention and efforts of Ukraine, Poland, and Lithuania aimed at reducing Russian influence in Belarus and creating prerequisites for possible democratic transformations.
Ukraine – the Republic of Korea: Experience that Unites
South Korea’s experience was as relevant for Ukraine in the early 1990s as it is now, as Ukraine’s government is trying to engage South Korea in the reconstruction effort after the damages caused by the Russian aggression.
Chileans associated these hopes with a young, non-systemic politician of the new generation, Gabriel Boric, who won the elections, supported by a coalition of political forces.
Singapore and Ukraine: A Window to the South-East Asia
Ukraine-Singapore relations offer a lot of untapped potential for mutually beneficial cooperation, especially in the spheres of cultural diplomacy, security and economic development. Strengthening ties in these domains can boost Ukraine’s international standing and help the two countries exchange expertise and resources.
Is there an alternative to liberating Crimea from the Russian Occupation?
Rekindling the war not only added urgency to Ukraine’s desire to liberate the peninsula but also put the issue of Crimea back on the table.
EU, NATO and Ukraine: Dream Team or a Triangle?
As soon as the EU started to express the will to play a role in security and defence matters (late 1990s), the question was posed of its relationship with NATO as the main defence actor in Europe. Since then, questions have been posed in different countries about what the EU would bring that NATO does not already do.
The third Ukrainian Central European Forum will be hosted on 7-8 November 2023
Ukrainian Central European Forum (UCEF) is a discussion platform bringing together prominent thinkers and pundits from all over the region to spot common challenges and craft common visions for a prosperous Central European future.
Together for resilient, sustainable, and integrated economies in the Eastern Partnership region: state of play in 2022 and recommendations
The prospects for tighter economic integration with the EU have always been the glue keeping the Eastern Partnership together, disregarding existing political agenda differences
EU-CELAC Agenda: Defining place for Ukraine
"Ukrainian factor", a decisive joint counteraction to Russian aggression, which poses a security challenge to the entire system of international law, can also serve as a catalyst for a historical reconciliation between regions, fostering further technological and economic progress.
NATO should reconsider its policy on Ukraine’s membership
One of the key questions facing NATO on the eve of the 2023 Vilnius summit is whether to offer Ukraine security guarantees, while Ukraine insists that it should be given a clear path to membership.
In an attempt to explore the key trends in the political discourse, and the rationale of the opponents of the earliest possible integration of Ukraine into NATO, the Ukrainian Prism team interviewed experts, former diplomats, and officials from seven NATO member states
Ukraine-related agenda for Spain’s presidency in the EU: recommendations from Ukraine
Spain's presidency of the Council of the EU will take place under circumstances that are of crucial importance for Ukraine not only in the light of Russian aggression, but also Ukraine's advancement towards membership in the European Union.
Wagner as a Tool of Russia’s Geopolitical Strategy
Wagner has gained increasing media attention in the last months due to its growing role in Russia’s war in Ukraine, especially in the frontline battles in the east of the country. How Wagner came about, who is behind it, and how its goals and strategy have evolved since its founding in 2014, are the questions addressed by this report.
Resilience of Civil Societies in the Eastern Partnership Countries
Assessment of promotion and enhancing reforms process by the EU in the countries of the Eastern Partnership within priority “Together for resilient, gender-equal, fair and inclusive societies”
Ukraine and Central Europe: Attitudes and Perceptions
This report sums up the result of an opinion poll conducted in Ukraine and 7 countries of Central Europe in October 2022.
Resilient digital transformation in the Eastern Partnership region: State of play in 2022 and recommendations
The European Union remains a major partner for EaP countries in promoting digital transformation processes. This includes providing financial support for reform implementation through various projects and providing access to EU funding instruments, as well as promoting legislative improvements and innovations in digital sector.
Anatomy of “Wagner PMC”: creation, war in Ukraine and ways of countering the group
There is a lot of noise, myths and legends surrounding the "Wagner" mercenaries. Let's try to figure out what or who is actually behind them, what is the real role of Prigozhin and what is the "PMK" capable of in the confrontation with the Ukrainian army.
Environmental and climate resilience in the Eastern Partnership region: stay of play in 2022 and recommendations
European Green Deal: how do Eastern Partnership states respond to the EU Standards? Strengthening energy security and nuclear safety: overcoming dependencies
The implementation of the Strategy of Foreign Policy of Ukraine needs adjustment on the part of small alliances.
Mission Possible? Accountable Institutions, the Rule of Law and Security in the Eastern Partnership
Assessment of promotion and enhancing reforms process by the EU in the countries of the Eastern Partnership within priority “Together for accountable institutions, the rule of law, and security”
The understanding of the concept of a feminist foreign policy remains quite limited in Ukraine today. It is mostly narrowed down to gender equality in the diplomatic service.
12 Lessons in 12 Months of Russian War
Commemorating one year of the Big War “Ukrainian Prism” experts suggest 12 lessons that Ukraine and the world should learn from these 12 months.
Чи достатні та адекватні кроки ЄС у сфері оборони, щоби зупинити агресора та забезпечити перемогу і спокій на континенті?
Eastern Partnership after 2020: Perceptions and Visions
Nowadays, an analysis of what has been achieved within the framework of the Eastern Partnership, as well as its new conceptual setting, is desperately needed.
The rapid changes necessitated by the Russian aggression made the member states re-evaluate many of the provisions, and renegotiate the new Strategic Concept 2022 within an extremely short period.
Black Sea Security after the Russian invasion of Ukraine: Views from Ukraine, Georgia, and Azerbaijan
The policy paper is an outcome of collaborative research project about the Black Sea Security among scholars from Ukraine, Azerbaijan, and Georgia.
The research is part of the research project “Strengthening analytical decision-making capabilities in the field of foreign policy with the help of civil society” is being implemented with the support of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation Representation in Ukraine in 2022
European security after Russia’s war of aggression in Ukraine
This commentary by Hanna Shelest looks at the future of Europe's security architecture after the Russia-Ukraine war.
Ukraine – Romanian Perspectives of Maritime Cooperation
With the Russian blockade of the Black Sea and rapprochement in Ukraine-Romania and Ukraine-EU/NATO relations, there is a new window of opportunity to boost such cooperation, including long-term perspectives.
Policy Brief: The reaction of the Black Sea countries on Russia’s full-scale war against Ukraine: analysis of the objections
The states of the Black Sea basin are in a particular position in the context of Russian aggression. For geographical reasons and history, Russia seeks to maintain the region’s political and economic leadership.
The Prospects of Cooperation between Ukraine and Romania within 3 Seas Initiative
The expectations of the founding countries are not vain due to the high potential of the region which by area represents almost a third of the European Union and is home to 111 million people.
Romania – US Political and Security Relations in the Wider Context of the Black Sea Region
In recent years, the United States has begun to pay more and more attention to Romania in the context of its own interests in Central and Eastern Europe.
100 days of war: 13 000 000 UAH raised for humanitarian needs of Chernihiv
At this difficult time, we consider it our duty not only to fight on the information front, disseminating reliable and well-founded information and expertise about Russia's war against Ukraine, but also to help our country and the city avoid a humanitarian crisis.
Russian occupiers are using methods that violate the rules of war
A weekly video digest of russian war crimes in Ukraine
Допоможіть нам врятувати мужнє місто Чернігів
Тепер кожен українець розуміє вислів, що друг у нужді – це дійсно друг. Ось як ви дійсно можете допомогти
Reaction of the neighbouring countries to the Russian attack
(Українська) Позачергові дайджести #щотамусусідів. Реакції найближчих до України країн на напад Росії.
Indigenous Peoples and National Minorities in the Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine
On February 24, 2022, Russia launched an offensive against Ukraine simultaneously in the north, east and south of the country. Thus, Russian troops expanded their temporary occupation of Ukrainian territories, which began in 2014. Millions of Ukrainian citizens, including indigenous peoples and national minorities, found themselves in the temporarily occupied territories. In the following blog […]
Three powerful energy generators in Chernihiv
Energy for unbreakable Chernihiv
Russia Steps Up Its Attack Against Ukraine On Day 2 Of Invasion
Several Ukraininan cities are witnessing Russian missile and artillery fire, with casualties reported. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said 137 people, including civilians were killed in Russian attack so far.
We are here to provide accurate information on Russian war against Ukraine!
As an independent think tank, we can’t stay aside during these hardships for Ukraine, and we offer our readiness to provide verified information about the latest developments in Ukrainian resistance to Russian aggression.
“Moscow is preparing ground for further escalation”
Khylko: we need UN mission on the contact line, we can deprive Russia of its veto in this case
Odessa on the brink
Odessa was a cradle of the Greek War of Independence. The old building of the Filiki Etairia is still open to visitors in the downtown area of the city, currently serving as the home of the Hellenic Foundation. Two-hundred-and-one years ago, it witnessed long conversations on national identity, dignity, and freedom – similar themes to the ones that are at the forefront today: the freedom to choose partners and alliances, the dignity of self-determination, the call to defend national identity in the face of foreign aggression.
The future of the Crimea Platform
The Crimea Platform launched by Kyiv last year attracted great media attention across the globe. Despite this, practical steps must be taken to keep the issue of Crimea’s sovereignty on the international agenda.
From Soft Security to Hard Security in the Black Sea Region – Does the osce Fit?
How has security perception changed in the Black Sea region for the last three decades? Whether the osce is a security actor in the Black Sea region? Can resilience-building be a smart security response to the current challenges?
Russia may use its forces to play muscles to raise the political stakes in negotiations – Hanna Shelest
Tensions over Ukraine are getting worse. Experts discuss the real danger of conflict. The world awaits written responses from the US and Russia to their suggestions, while intelligence services from several countries point to the Kremlin's clear plan to destabilize Ukraine. According to reports, the British government received information on the Russian government's plans to establish a pro-Russian leader in Kyiv.
“Blackmailing with the threat of large-scale war”
Maksym Khylko: Moscow believes it is beneficial to keep Ukraine and its Western partners in constant tension
Expert de la Kiev: Tensiunile crescânde la granița Ucrainei, precum și ultimaturile înainte de Moscova către Occident sunt o încercare a Kremlinului de a ridica mizele jocului geopolitic
Nici Ucraina, nici Republica Moldova nu au suficiente resurse pentru a influența Moscova, iar tot ce pot face este să demonstreze că sunt gata să se apere și să intensifice interacțiunea cu UE.
Sikkerhetsekspert: Kasakhstan minker risikoen for russisk invasjon i Ukraina
Når Russland sender styrker til Kasakhstan, er det mindre sannsynlig at president Vladimir Putin invaderer Ukraina, mener ukrainsk sikkerhetsekspert.
Hanna Shelest on the Russian Threat and the Need for Europe and the Eastern Partnership to Unite against It
Constant threats from Russia on the border, disinformation campaigns, lack of an effective reaction from the West – this is not a complete list of problems Ukraine is struggling with right now, a list which threatens not just them, but the security of the whole region.
“Yalta 2 is among Putin’s goals”. Maksym Khylko: what has been said so far in the West, did not sound convincing for Moscow
Putin's main goals are rather political and geopolitical. By threatening to use force against Ukraine, the Kremlin is raising stakes and seeking to strengthen its negotiating position in dialogue with Washington through blackmail. Most likely, Putin is trying to achieve many goals at the same time
For Ukraine and the West, the stakes remain high
The Kremlin’s goals in dealing with the West go far beyond seeking to return Ukraine to Russia’s sphere of influence.
Biden-Putin talks and risk of invasion. Maksym Khylko: Ukraine and its Western partners must make the most of time
To prevent a possible Russian invasion, Ukraine and its Western partners must make the most of time to rapidly increase Ukraine’s defence capabilities and to elaborate and put on the table a set of really strong measures that would make the price of possible escalation unjustifiably expensive for Russia
Waging a large-scale war against Ukraine would be catastrophe for Russia – Maksym Khylko
Ukrainian expert touched upon the current developments around the Russian-Ukraine conflict, the prognoses of NATO experts on the threat of Russian aggression in Eastern Europe and the response of the Western alliance against Russian intervention in Ukraine.
Kremlin may use Belarusian army in the military confrontation with NATO
Potential participation of Belarus in the Russian aggression against Ukraine will finally destroy the remnants of Belarusian sovereignty and statehood
Maksym Khylko on NS2: Russia been using gas as a weapon against the EU for several months now, and there is no reaction from the EU, Germany, US
This is another proof that no guarantees will stop Russia from using the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline as a tool of pressure and aggression against Ukraine if this project is launched.
Press tour: Ukraine between awakening, war and pandemic
Call for applications for a dialogue and information program for journalists
Zapad 2021 and the EU border crisis.
Maksym Khylko: the West cannot ignore Moscow’s co-responsibility for hybrid attacks on Lithuania and Poland
The Maritime Dimension of the Russian-Ukrainian War
Policy Brief
Ukraine’s public diplomacy enters a new phase
A new milestone in Ukraine's public diplomacy began in late March when the foreign ministry approved, for the first time in history, a public diplomacy strategy.
NS2 would make Ukraine vulnerable to full-scale Russian aggression, Kyiv would need security guarantees
If Germany and the United States allow Russia to bypass the Ukrainian territory in gas transit and thereby make it more vulnerable to full-scale Russian military aggression, it would be justified to provide Ukraine with some reliable security guaranties.
Biden-Putin summit
For Biden it is a forced step, which Putin has achieved through threats and blackmail
Security policy challenges in the 21st century
The role of big power politics in Central Europe
Security policy challenges in the 21st century: The role of big power politics in Central Europe
As security is in flux, so the policies of the Central European states and the role they allow the big powers to play in their development.
CALL FOR APPLICATIONS Eastern European School of Foreign Policy Researchers
The school aims to create a communication platform for Belarusian, Moldovan and Ukrainian researchers, raising their awareness of international processes in the Eastern European region and providing basic skills in developing and implementing analytical documents.
Media tour to Ukraine for Romanian journalists: Discover RO – Discover UA
Romanian journalists are invited to take part in a study visit to Ukraine in the summer of 2021!
As an ally the UK will help Ukraine to join the EU, – Ambassador Melinda Simmons
Where are Ukraine and the United Kingdom heading? When should Ukrainians expect visa-free travel with Britain? What really was Brexit?
The West should lay on the table really tough and painful sanctions. “Russia cannot block our road to NATO”
Moscow is now using the factor of occupation of the territories of Ukraine and Georgia to block their movement to NATO membership. It is worth sending a clear signal to the Kremlin that this strategy will not work.
Russia’s Testing or Bullying?
The most popular question among foreign politicians and journalists is now whether Russia going to openly attack Ukraine, and whether this is preparation for a new war.
Ukraine-Romania – New Regional Challenges: Looking for a Common Solutions for Existing Problems – Accents for Strengthening the Strategic Partnership
A common search for denominators should be supplemented by political dialogue, professional discussions, political and expert consultations. The parties' key goal is to find compromises and win-win solutions, avoid the language of ultimatums that may bring the parties into the deadlock.
Crises, protests and a glimpse of hope: The uncertain future of democracy in the Black Sea region in 2021
Report of the Romanian Center for European Policies
Europe’s dilemma
The EU and the Russian-Ukrainian conflict
Whither US-Ukraine relations during a Biden presidency?
The United States is among Ukraine’s key foreign partners and one of the main providers of substantial political, economic and military aid. Ever since Russia’s aggression in 2014, the US has been a staunch supporter, both in word and deed, of Ukraine’s sovereignty, territorial integrity and security, as well as the implementation of democratic reforms.
Ukraine has taken another step to counter Russian propaganda machine
On February 2, 2021, the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky issued a decree enacting the decision of the National Security and Defense Council to impose sanctions for 5 years against three TV channels, namely “112 Ukraine”, “NewsOne” and “ZIK”, as well as against MP Taras Kozak, who is considered to be their owner in the interests of the leader of a pro-Russian political bloc, Viktor Medvedchuk.
Biden expected to push for heavy investment in Ukraine aid
Incoming president was deeply involved in Ukraine policy during the Obama administration
Living with insecurity: Ukrainians at times of armed conflict and the pandemic
Ukrainians suffer from quite high levels of human insecurity, especially regarding health, economic, and personal security.
Does Zelenskyy have a strategy for managing the Donbas conflict?
The road to peace in Donbas has not appeared smooth and straightforward, as had been expected by President Zelenskyy and his team. The emphasis on humanitarian issues cannot neglect the security situation on the ground nor the unchanged role of the Kremlin.
In Between vs Belonging, or Why Ukraine Matters
The EU should recognise Ukraine as a European country.
“The Great Reset” by the World Economic Forum
It has become casual to call the COVID-19 pandemic nothing short of world war against invisible enemy and thus to declare war both to its cause and the consequences. And while the rush to find a vaccine is gaining traction, “the brightest minds” are coming together to re-imagine the world that ought to emerge in […]
Decentralization, Regional Diversity, and Conflict. The Case of Ukraine
Provides an understanding of regional diversity issues and their manipulation in triggering the Ukraine-Russia conflict Highlights the manifestations of regional divides-related discourses Brings together insights from history, politics and law Editors: Shelest, Hanna, Rabinovych, Maryna (Eds.) Palgrave Macmillan
Ukrainian-Hungarian economic relations: current model and prospects to enhance
The context for Ukrainian-Hungarian cooperation is framed by two contrasting tracks of both countries geopolitical location: European integration and the Russian connection
Ukrainian-Hungarian economic relations: Current model and prospects to enhance
The context for Ukrainian-Hungarian cooperation is framed by two contrasting tracks of their geopolitical interests: European integration and Russian. Ukraine's ultimate choice of European integration marked the start of a new stage of economic relations with Hungary.
Eastern European Futures: Four Scenarios for the Eastern Partnership 2030
In 2009, the European Union and six of its Eastern neighbours launched the Eastern Partnership (EaP) with the stated aim of “building a common area of shared democracy, prosperity, stability and increased cooperation.” A decade on, however, progress has been mixed.
Security: Eastern Partnership Trends
Despite three decades of independence, the Eastern Partnership countries are still plagued by insecurity, driven by political weakness due to authoritarian rule or incomplete democracy, external pressure, largely from Russia, and due to unresolved or frozen conflicts.
“Illiberal Democracies” in Central Europe: Role Model or Challenge for Ukraine?
Should Ukraine follow the example of its neighbors, or is it time to think about the way to counter such shift?
Ukraine: Great Expectations
What do Volodymyr Zelenskyy and his team stand for? Will they realistically be able to deliver?
Eastern Partnership 2030 Trends
T his report outlines major trends that over the course of the next decade will shape the future of Eastern Partnership (EaP) region, to be understood as six individual countries and as a policy framework of the European Union. The authors of the report have focused particularly on those trends that are common for all […]
New leadership of Ukraine: challenges and opportunities
Hanna Shelest reflects on the opportunities and challenges facing the new leadership of Ukraine.
Ukraine’s European Integration: Post-election Prospects
Foreign Policy Council “Ukrainian Prism” analyzed foreign policy programs and plans of President Zelenskyy and political parties present in the new Parliament.
Spotlight on Ukraine’s Parliament Elections: Vox Pops
What do Ukrainians expect of the newly elected Parliament?
What Does Volodymyr Zelenskyi’s Victory Say About Ukraine?
Zelenskyi’s landslide victory is a vote for change. It also exposes Ukraine's vulnerability and the deficiency of reforms. Zelenskyi's voters united against the old system rather than around a common agenda about how to bring about change.
Spotlight on Ukraine Elections: Post-election Vox Pops
Ukrainians came up with the road map for president's first days in the office
Security Policy Is Not Up for Debate as Ukraine Elects a New President
Despite the smouldering conflict in Donbas and the tensions around Russia’s occupation of Crimea, security policy has so far failed to attract voters’ attention in the campaign.
Ukraine elections: Candidates don’t understand their competencies
Presidential canditates make promises that can be implemented only if they have majority in parliament
Most presidential candidates focus on identity & security
While the economy needs to be in focus.
Not fair way of running campaign strangely works in favor of Ukrainian democracy
The crazy way Ukrainian democracy works
Yevhen Hlibovytsky: Elections will not affect conflict resolution in Ukraine
What should Western partners expect after presidential election in Ukraine?
Oleksandr Sushko: Huge injections of gray money is the biggest challenge for election in Ukraine
Analysts explain Ukraine presidential election for foreign audience
Hanna Shelest: Ideology is not the top-topic in the debate between presidential candidates
Providing international expert audiences with evidence-based analysis on the 2019 presidential elections in Ukraine
Elections 2018 in Moldova: New Challenges and New Opportunities for Cooperation within Ukraine-Moldova-Romania Triangle
The Project was aimed at studying the relations within the Ukraine-Moldova-Romania triangle with the consideration of current political developments in the three countries
The Naval Forces of Ukraine were the first one who faced hybrid aggression manifestation in Crimea in 2014.
Call for participation “Ukrainian-Polish Dialogue: Through Common Values to Common Development”
Polish journalists (from state and independent media) are invited to participate in the 5-day visit to Ukraine in October 2018.
V4+Ukraine security cooperation: limits of possible
Despite the differences in the positions on foreign policy priorities among the countries of the Visegrad Group the experience of the last three years clearly shows solidarity in the issue of assistance to Ukraine
Human rights in Ukraine and the EU response, including relevant activities of the European Parliament
How the European Union and the European Parliament (EP) contribute to the promotion and protection of human rights in Ukraine?
Hennadiy Maksak: the biggest successes and failures ofUkraine’s foreign policy in 2017
International experts and diplomats have announced the results of Ukraine’s foreign policy in 2017. So what are the biggest successes and failures? To get to know all the details, we welcomed to the studio Hennadiy Maksak, chairman of the Foreign Policy Council ‘Ukrainian Prism’ – the organization which conducted this survey.
100 Years of Ukraine’s Diplomatic Service
December 22 marks the 100th anniversary of Ukraine’s diplomatic service, created in 1917. The country’s President Petro Poroshenko and Prime Minister Volodymyr Groysman attended a special ceremony to commemorate the century of Ukrainian diplomacy. To learn more about the service, we were joined by Hanna Shelest, editor in chief of Ukraine Analytica.
Ukraine, Poland Presidents Patching Up Relations
Is repairing of Ukraine - Poland relations possible?
Eastern Partnership of “different speeds”
Issue 11 of EaP Think Bridge Digest is out focusing of EaP Brussels Summit aftermath
Evolution in Moldova security sector. Prospects for the future
The defence sector was a low priority in the political competition as it provided little political, economic and reputational incentives
Who needs an army?
Issue 10 of the Eastern Partnership Think Bridge Digest is focusing on transformations in security sector
«The Northern ones» vs. «the Western ones» – drills or geopolitical stand?
New issue of EaP Think Bridge is out!
The mandate for keeping peace
For the last two weeks, numerous statements have been made about the possible United Nations (UN) peacekeeping mission to Ukraine.
Lessons of the Greece-Turkey conflict for Ukraine-Russia case
The article analyses the Greek-Turkish conflict as an example of a protracted international conflict, which proved to be resilient to the years of resolution attempts.
Call for 2017 International Neighbourhood Symposium (INS) / 13 – 18 June 2017
“Changemakers in the Eastern Neighbourhood and the Mediterranean South” 13 – 18 June 2017 Odessa, Ukraine
Armenia in Transition: A turning or a tipping point?
With parliamentary elections in Armenia quickly approaching, a profound period of transition is nearing its apex.
The Relations between Ukraine and Romania: Old and New Perceptions. Cooperation Outlooks
Strengthening cooperation between Ukraine and Romania is a key issue of the European Neighborhood and Partnership Policy, as well as of the international cooperation in the Black Sea Region and the Wider Eastern European region.
With/out the EU’s perspective: Europeanisation narratives in Ukraine
The European-ness perception and feelings are still nascent among Ukrainians
The alternative to the European integration is transformation of Ukraine and of the Republic of Moldova into a „geopolitical morass” between Russia and the EU
It is unquestionably that Chisinau can count on support from Kiev and Kiev, in its turn, relies on such support from Chisinau.
Ukraine-Moldova: complicated but promissing relations
Both countries would definitely benefit more if they applied liberal and constructivist patterns rather than rational egoism
Democracy in Retreat in Turkey
It is a test of being democratic without sacrificing one’s security, and being secure not at the expense of one’s democracy
Foreign Policy in US presidential elections is tied to whatever fits on bumper sticker
What to expect form both candidates in foreign policy?
Ukraine’s Security Options after the NATO Warsaw Summit
The four strategic options now available to Ukraine
The Last Frontier and Navy (In)Security
There is an absence of a real interest in Alaska’s military development
Russian aggression against Ukraine was a gamechanger for NATO
Petr Lunak from Public Diplomacy Department, NATO HQ
Security sector reforms in Ukraine
A long track marked with some progress and shortcomings
Is electoral security possible on the uncontrolled territories of Ukraine?
Lifting international sanctions seems the only incentive for Russia to comply with the Minsk agreements.
Ukraine’s Strategy for building relations with the population of Crimea and Donbass
Russia occupied Crimea against the background of a state vacuum in Ukraine and thedisorientation of the new Ukrainian leadership of the post-Maidan period
NATO Challenged by Three Dichotomies: a View from Ukraine
Вespite the fact that the most brilliant strategic thinkers were drafting NATO strategic concepts some important threats were overlooked
Russia does not clearly outline the perimeter of its vital interests, perhaps in an attempt to preserve some strategic ambiguity for NATO.
The Winter of Our Discontent: Emotions and Contentious Politics in Ukraine
The mobilizing success of the moral shocks is interpreted through introducing the notion of emotional path dependence
Transformation of the NATO Partnership Concept in the Post-Soviet Space: Is Membership the Only Option?
By thinking that Europe is “finished business” NATO almost lost the feeling of importance and sense of partnership on its immediate borders.
External challenges in the form of an oil embargo in 1973, the above-mentioned “gas crisis” and the necessity to ensure energy imports have little effects on European foreign energy policy
the absence of hard security assurances to the partner countries within the framework of the ENP or under other EU’s policies provoked Russia to launch a hybrid war in Ukraine in 2014

The paper researches the vulnerabilities of the mentioned states to Russian hybrid and non-linear aggression. Additionally, the project focuses on analysing the strategies and tactics that Ukraine has effectively deployed in countering similar threats and evaluating how these countermeasures can serve as adaptable models for bolstering defense of Ukraine’s neighbouring states.

6he present paper aims to show how Ukraine’s relationship with the EU generally evolved and how Ukraine has strengthened its efforts towards European integration since the onset of the full-scale war.

The development of pragmatic and purposeful steps of interaction with Belarusian democratic forces should become part of a broader strategy of Ukraine towards Belarus, which would allow effective response to both urgent and long-term challenges from the Lukashenko’s regime.

This policy paper presents a comprehensive analysis of the key areas of cooperation and the activation of collaboration between the European Union (EU), Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), and Ukraine, particularly focusing on the period following February 24, 2022.

It is already quite clear that the 2025 presidential elections will end with the victory of Aliaksandr Lukashenka, for whom the next presidential term will be the seventh of his political career.

Donald Trump’s statements about preparing mass deportations of illegal immigrants from the United States since the beginning of his term have been in the spotlight of Central American countries and Mexico.

La reactivación de las relaciones entre Ucrania y Argentina abre nuevas oportunidades para ambos países, dado el potencial de Argentina como líder regional en América Latina y sus históricos vínculos con Ucrania.

(Українська) АСЕАН, що об’єднує десять країн з населенням понад 650 мільйонів людей та сукупним ВВП більше 3 трильйонів доларів США, є важливим економічним блоком у регіоні. Проте торговельно-економічні відносини між Україною та АСЕАН залишаються недостатньо розвиненими, попри наявний потенціал.

Relations between Kyiv and Ottawa have been developing steadily since Ukraine’s independence and received a new impetus after it faced Russian aggression in 2014 and 2022.