In recent years, there has been an intensifying political dialogue between Qatar and Ukraine. Qatar is a promising partner for Ukraine in energy, diplomacy – on some aspects of the Ukraine-Russia war, and in the context of wider cooperation with the Arab countries.

Nuclear Blackmail of the Russian Federation

From the very beginning of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, President Putin has used nuclear rhetoric to create the impression of his own invincibility and to deter any reaction from the West. Putin understands that Russia’s nuclear status opens almost endless opportunities to raise the stakes in the international arena.

The Ways of Ensuring the Viability of a New Belarusian Government in a Transitional Period

The Belarusian democratic forces have achieved certain successes in terms of developing government-like structures and keeping the Belarusian issue on the agenda of European states. To continue further institutionalization and be prepared for the transformation period, there is a need to train a new generation of officials who could take over the state in the future.

Crisis Communication During Wartime: The Effective Resolution of Diplomatic Disagreements

This policy brief analyses the conflict situations in relations between Ukraine and Poland that arose, in particular, due to inadequate crisis communication and had an ambiguous impact on these relations.

Prospects of Ukrainian-Polish Cooperation in the Context of Reconstruction of Ukraine

The restoration project of Ukraine has garnered significant interest from numerous foreign partners, with the Republic of Poland holding a prominent position among them

Ukraine-Australia: Closer than Ever

This report highlights the importance of the bilateral relations between Ukraine and Australia in the changing global context and enhancing security threats globally in light of the full-scale Russian aggression against Ukraine. The bilateral relations evolved over several periods. 


Russian Federation suffered significant losses which caused the need to replenish them.

EU-Latin America Relations: Analyzing Cooperation from a Ukrainian Perspective

This policy paper presents a comprehensive analysis of key areas of cooperation and the activation of collaboration within the European Union (EU), Latin America (LA), and Ukraine, particularly focusing on the period following February 24, 2022.

Scenarios and trends 2024: International relations

The analysis of trends and scenarios in the development of the international political situation in 2024

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