International security

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Joint vision of the representatives of various Ukrainian think tanks, universities, and journalists dealing with NATO and international security issues

From Soft Security to Hard Security in the Black Sea Region – Does the osce Fit?

How has security perception changed in the Black Sea region for the last three decades? Whether the osce is a security actor in the Black Sea region? Can resilience-building be a smart security response to the current challenges?

Biden-Putin talks and risk of invasion. Maksym Khylko: Ukraine and its Western partners must make the most of time

To prevent a possible Russian invasion, Ukraine and its Western partners must make the most of time to rapidly increase Ukraine’s defence capabilities and to elaborate and put on the table a set of really strong measures that would make the price of possible escalation unjustifiably expensive for Russia

The Maritime Dimension of the Russian-Ukrainian War

Policy Brief

Security policy challenges in the 21st century

The role of big power politics in Central Europe

Security policy challenges in the 21st century: The role of big power politics in Central Europe

As security is in flux, so the policies of the Central European states and the role they allow the big powers to
play in their development.

The West should lay on the table really tough and painful sanctions. “Russia cannot block our road to NATO”

Moscow is now using the factor of occupation of the territories of Ukraine and Georgia to block their movement to NATO membership. It is worth sending a clear signal to the Kremlin that this strategy will not work.

Russia’s Testing or Bullying?

The most popular question among foreign politicians and journalists is now whether Russia going to openly attack Ukraine, and whether this is preparation for a new war.

Living with insecurity: Ukrainians at times of armed conflict and the pandemic

Ukrainians suffer from quite high levels of human insecurity, especially regarding health, economic, and personal security.

Does Zelenskyy have a strategy for managing the Donbas conflict?

The road to peace in Donbas has not appeared smooth and straightforward, as had been expected by President Zelenskyy and his team. The emphasis on humanitarian issues cannot neglect the security situation on the ground nor the unchanged role of the Kremlin.

In Between vs Belonging, or Why Ukraine Matters

The EU should recognise Ukraine as a European country.