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Closer to Europe?

Issue 6 of EaP Think Bridge Digest is out, with May overview of Eastern Partnership region and an article on the strengthening ties with EU

Russian Factor

(Українська) Четвертый номер EaP Thinkk Bridge Digest с обзором основных событий Марта в странах Восточного партнерства и анализом противоречий в отношениях Беларуси и России

Window to Europe

The thirds issue of EaP Think Bridge Digest is here with monthly overview and analytics in Georgian anti-corruption reforms

4th South Caucasus Security Forum

April 20-21, 2017

Call for 2017 International Neighbourhood Symposium (INS) / 13 – 18 June 2017

“Changemakers in the Eastern Neighbourhood and the Mediterranean South”
13 – 18 June 2017
Odessa, Ukraine

Calm before the storm?

The second issue of the Eastern Partnership Think Bridge Digest is out

Armenia in Transition: A turning or a tipping point?

With parliamentary elections in Armenia quickly approaching, a profound period of transition is nearing its apex.

With/out the EU’s perspective: Europeanisation narratives in Ukraine

The European-ness perception and feelings are still nascent among Ukrainians

Foreign Policy in US presidential elections is tied to whatever fits on bumper sticker

What to expect form both candidates in foreign policy?

II International summer school “Economic aspects of climate change”

(Українська) Партнери “Української призми” оголошують набір на навчання

The selection of participants of the First Eastern European school for foreign policy researchers is completed

The list of participants

‎Eastern Partnership‬ is not a great success but rather a moderate failure

“The Eastern Partnership and civil security issues of the member states: past realities and present trends” conference in Bucharest, Romania